So, this is a long one, but I need advice. Growing up, I never appreciated my stepfather. I was ashamed of his job as a cleaner. Though he worked tirelessly to support us. I wanted to be an architect, but lended up working as a waitress to help make ends meet. So I gave up college because of our finances. Years later, he handed me a folder that broke my heart. When I opened it, I was stunned to find a college fund in my name. He had been saving every penny he could,
secretly, for years! I was furious. I confronted him, yelling, “Why didn’t you tell me? I could have gone to college!” He just looked at me with this sad smile and said, “I didn’t want to pressure you. I wanted you to followyour own path.” I know, I know, it sounds like a Hallmark movie, but it’s not. He never told me about the money, and now I’m bitter because
I wasted years working dead-end jobs. He’s saying it was my choice, but he deprived me of the opportunity. He’s still cleaning, and I’m still a waitress. He’s happy and content, but I’m angry and resentful. I’m so angry that I’m even
considering not taking the money.
Am I in the wrong for feeling this way?
Am I being unreasonable? I need to know.
I’m so conflicted.