My Boyfriend Won’t Wash His Butt, So I Had to Do Something Drastic
When you’re in a relationship, you expect your partner to keep up with personal hygiene. This means showering regularly, brushing their teeth, and washing all parts of their body. But sometimes, these expectations aren’t met, and that’s what happened in today’s story. Get ready, because this is not your usual tale.
Here’s what happened:
I recently found out that my boyfriend doesn’t wash his butt in the shower. We were showering together, and I saw that he used his hand to apply soap and gently rubbed it over his body. He told me he uses his hand to wash, not a loofah or washcloth.
Then I noticed he didn’t wash his butt. He said that when he’s in the shower, the water runs over his butt and that’s how he washes it.
I tried to be understanding, thinking maybe his parents never taught him how to shower properly. So, I taught him how to do it. I thought we had agreed that he would wash his butt. This happened on Saturday.
Now it is Tuesday, and I asked him if he has washed his butt since our conversation. He said no, and that he thinks it’s gross to use his hand to wash it. Now, I am starting to distance myself from the relationship. To me, he is a grown man who doesn’t follow basic hygiene. To him, he needs time to get used to the idea.
I can’t tell if I’m being too harsh or if ending things is justified. Should I break up with the best partner I’ve ever had over this?
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