Steve Harvey Brought To His Knees By Contestant’s Inappropriate Answer. See it below!

Most people wouldn’t guess that “Family Feud” is one of the funniest shows on television, but the 40-year-old series has produced some hilarious moments — like the time a contestant blurted out an answer that brought Steve Harvey to his knees (video below).

Harvey said to the contestant, “Name a part of your body that’s bigger than it was when you were 16.” A loaded question like that is bound to bring in a colorful answer — and it did. The contestant, Secily, instantly responded with, “Your pe nis.”

After she said that, Harvey went silent for a few seconds, and then Secily put her hands on her face in embarrassment. Both laughed, and Harvey took a knee.
“I used the medical terminology,” Secily pointed out.
Harvey quipped back: “A medical term is almost worse! A slang term would have least been … your ‘ding-a-ling,’ something!”






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