Everyone Begged Mom To Change Her Baby’s Name, But She Refuses. See it below!!

Choosing a baby name can be a deeply personal experience for parents.

Many parents brood over the right name choice for months, sometimes waiting until they see their child in the flesh before deciding on the right name. However, one mom picked a name for her baby that has left her entire family and all of her friends in a state of utter shock and horror – and they’re now begging mom to go to the courthouse to get the baby’s name changed as fast as possible.

A 27-year-old mother from Devon, United Kingdom, shared her baby’s name when she called into The Jeremy Vine Show. The name was so shocking for fans of the show that the mother, Josie King, has received torrents of hateful comments from internet users across the world. So what’s the baby’s shocking name. Mom named her seven-month-old son Lucifer but insists that the name does not have anything to do with the devil because she isn’t a religious person.






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